Level 1: Introductory training – all staff
It is recommended that all school staff complete level 1: Introductory training so that they have a basic understanding of type 1 diabetes and how it impacts the lives of students.
This training will help staff members to identify when a student requires support, assistance or medical care. It is important that all school staff understand the symptoms associated with a child’s type 1 diabetes, including recognising the signs of hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia.
Participating in basic training can also help normalise type 1 diabetes and helps avoid stigma and discrimination based on misunderstandings. The training can help with providing the education and understanding that may be needed for the school and for staff members to discharge their legal duty of care.
There will be staff who agree to take on additional responsibilities to support a student with type 1 diabetes on a day-to-day basis. These staff members are known as designated staff and they should access additional training (see below).
School staff should be are aware of who, within their school, are the designated staff, so that they know who is able to provide assistance with insulin administration or other support. All staff should also be aware that students with type 1 diabetes will have an individual diabetes management plan which has been agreed between the student, parents or carers, principal and clinical treating team, and that the diabetes management plan may require them to make adjustments to support the student in the school environment.
Level 1 training takes approximately 20 minutes to complete
Level 2: Intermediate training – for designated staff
Designated staff are identified by the principal to provide support for a student while at school or at school-related activities such as camps, excursions and sports events. This support follows what is outlined in the student’s diabetes management plan. In some cases, designated staff will administer insulin or help a student to self-administer their insulin. Designated staff require a higher level of knowledge and understanding about type 1 diabetes and how it impacts on students, to enable them to confidently assist with a student with type 1 diabetes.
Designated staff should undertake further Level 2, and if required, Level 3 training provided through the Diabetes in Schools program. This training is designed to provide designated staff with the knowledge and understanding they need to safely support students with type 1 diabetes at school. Training includes learning modules about blood glucose monitoring and the administration of insulin, as well as other important topics. >> Read More about Level 2 and Level 3 training
Level 2 training takes approximately 1 hour to complete.
Training for schools and school staff
Its recommended:
- all school staff complete Level 1 training so that they have a basic understanding of type 1 diabetes and how it impacts students
- all school staff are familiar with the actions that they must take when students with type 1 diabetes require urgent or emergency assistance due to their health condition
- staff are aware of the responsible people in the school who are designated to provide specific assistance to students with type 1 diabetes and can administer insulin when necessary, and
- principals ensure that an appropriate number of designated staff, relative to the size of the school and the number of students with type 1 diabetes, undertake Level 2 training to have the knowledge and skills to assist with supporting students with type 1 diabetes. Level 3 practical (face-to-face) skills training may also be appropriate for school staff who are supporting a student who is newly diagnosed or unable to self administer insulin.